
LDA to Introduce Online Payment System

Lahore: (LDA) Lahore Development Authority has chosen to acquaint an online installment system with work with the resident of Lahore.


As indicated by the subtleties, Director General (DG) LDA, Ahmed Aziz Tarar. While leading the gathering Grievance Redressal Committee guided the staff to present an online installment framework.


The online entryway will empower the residents of Lahore to pay their expenses. Meanwhile different charges identified with LDA on the web.


Talking about the event, the DG expressed his desire that the recuperation arrangement of LDA ought to likewise be improved. Furthermore, individuals ought to be educated about the online installment framework.


The DG was additionally said that every one of the portions and receipt structures ought to be given on the web. While residents ought to likewise be imparted through messages and SMS.

This is a great initiative towards Digital Pakistan. It will also help to boost the LDA system and development work will gain more pace.

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