
Real Estate Investment in Pakistan establishing itself as a lucrative business. It is acquiring more popularity by leaps and bounds. You have noticed plenty of big hoardings all over advertising Malls, homes for sale, Residential Schemes, Apartments and other ventures. Thus, it reflects the widely practiced investment options.

Real Estate in 2020 is not just business of buying or selling property only. It is strongly contributing in country’s economy as well. Furthermore, it also helps you to become financially independent through lucrative investment opportunities. On the other hand, there are several other opportunities for good Investments Returns in Pakistan. However, many of them do not offer big return like Residential Real Estate and Commercial Real Estate Investment.

Without further ado, let’s discuss the salient aspect of this widest market.

What is Real Estate?

The word Real derived from Latin world “Res”. It means Things. Investopedia defined Real Estate as “property made up of land and the constructions on it, as well as the natural resources of the land including uncultivated flora and fauna, farmed crops and livestock, water, and any additional mineral deposits.”

In other words, we can define Real Estate as any tangible asset including

  • Property
  • Building
  • Plot
  • Land

What are the types of Real Estate?

It is an umbrella term used for several assets. When it comes to investment, people often confused where to invest in. The common types of Real Estates are shared below

Residential Real Estate: it includes a space used for residence or accommodation. For example, homes, apartments, condominiums, villas and others.

Commercial Real Estate: It includes a space used for commercial activities or for offices.

Industrial Real Estate: It is a space used for industry related activities e.g. warehouse, manufacturing plants, assembly plants.

Land: It is piece of land either cultivated or not.

Why to invest in Real Estate in 2020?

Real Estate investment always comes up with several handy and giant benefits. “Buying real estate is not only the best way, the quickest way, the safest way, but the only way to become wealthy.” said Marshall Field who is famous entrepreneur.

In Pakistan, its one of the mostly used and secured investment option. In the year 2019, Real Estate market has faced several ups and down. Also, the most affected one is realtor. The prices solely for residential real estate hikes PKR 10,875 per Square Feet during the first quarter of year 2019. But, after second quarter it drops drastically ranging from 2.2% to 4.62%.

However, the sun shines brighter after heavy rain fall. So is the case of Real Estate Market. The sun is ready to shine brighter on Real Estate Industry in 2020. There are several reasons that ensures the bright future.

Backlog for Residential Space:

Pakistan is facing shortage of more than 2 Million homes. There is an ultimate need of housing projects right now. Thus, investing at the moment will definitely guarantees good return right now.

High-rise apartment demand

Keeping in view the price hike of homes and villas. People tends towers apartments and vertical accommodation. The supply as compared to demand is quite low. Thus, investing in apartments in a long run is lucrative investment.

More regularized than ever before

Real Estate Industry is now governed under legal bodies now. There are no as such scams and fraud. Several legal entities are keeping a hawk eye on all the dealings. Realtors or gimmickier cannot sell you any illegal residential real estate

Commercial Arena Revolution

Commercial Real Estate is advancing more than ever. You can witness mega shopping malls and commercial zones. Furthermore, this offers huge return on Investment as well.

Other than these, let’s have a look on general benefits as well.

  • Ownership: It gives you absolute ownership of your asset. You can have absolute control over it.
  • Passive Income: Other than ownership, it is not just an investment. But it is also a source of passive income. For instance, renting out spare rooms or portions help you earn good money without any effort.
  • Always in Demand: demand for a house or shelter always remains in a market irrespective of inflation or economy conditions. It is a necessity.
  • Values increases with time: the possibilities to incur loss in Real Estate investment remains very low. The overall worth of your property increases with passage of time.
  • Serves for Multi-purpose: the property used for multiple purpose. Like you can rent it out, sell it or also use it for personal accommodation as well. This feature is absent in other investment.

So, if you are planning to invest in the property business, invest in it now. As it is said that don’t wait to buy real estate. Buy real estate and wait.

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